
Freshly roasted coffee - a taste like no other

Enjoy a variety of delicious tea flavors

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customer reviews

Excellent Sumatra Aceh dark roast!

Rated the Sumatra Aceh dark roast as excellent! I definitely would buy it again...wait, i did buy it again... I bought it again more than once! It also makes very good cold-brew....

- Bill Schwerin

Good Coffee, Well Roasted

Brazilians coffees are my favorite, and CBC Roasters roasts them just right. A sweeter, smooth taste that is not too acidic.

- Yamir Ortiz

Brazil Salmo Blend

This is our favorite! We order whole bean and love the quick turn-around from small batch roasting to in our hands in just a few days. A great flavor profile for you to enjoy

- Bill

“ Soooooo good!

I love the scent and taste of this tea. Its so fruity and fresh, and tastes so bright and summery. Its good hot and iced. Perfect for summer ” (8 mins @ 212°F)

- Adella Strong

Aceh Sumatra

Love the CBC Roasters (freshly roasted) coffee. Using their website is easy to order & arrange puckup at weekend market. Roasted to order with progress updates.

- Bill Schwerin

about us

"Freshly roasted coffee a taste like no other"

There is nothing more alluring than the delightful aroma of freshly roasted coffee which flows into your sleepy morning.

Everyday millions of people enjoy their lives with a fragrant dark morning drink. Thousands of legends have been told and millions of minds have been lured with the coffee mania.

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