
Honduran Heaven - Organic Honduran Single Origin Coffee

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Honduran Heaven - Organic Honduran Specialty Grade Single Origin Coffee

CBC Roasters Honduran Heaven is a specialty grade single coffee blend made from 100% organic Honduran coffee beans. This single origin blend comes from the Comayagua region, which is known for producing high-quality coffee beans with a unique flavor profile. The beans are grown at an altitude of 1250-1450 meters above sea level, which contributes to the coffee's distinct taste and aroma.

When brewed, CBC Roasters Honduran Heaven delivers a light-bodied and well-balanced taste experience. The first sip is a burst of milk chocolate and brown sugar notes, which gives way to a sweet and citrusy aftertaste. The flavors of caramel, orange, and red apple are all present in this coffee, creating a layered and nuanced taste that is sure to impress.

The high-quality beans used in this blend are carefully selected and processed to preserve their natural flavors. CBC Roasters Honduran Heaven is a testament to the rich and diverse flavors that Honduran coffee has to offer. It is a coffee that is best enjoyed black, as it allows the flavors to shine through without any added distractions.

Overall, CBC Roasters Honduran Heaven is a coffee blend that is perfect for anyone who appreciates a light and well-balanced cup of coffee. Its unique flavor profile, high-quality beans, and superior processing make it a standout among Honduran coffee blends. Whether enjoyed in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up, CBC Roasters Honduran Heaven is sure to transport you to coffee heaven with every sip.

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