
Roasters Choice Coffee Subscription

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Roasters Choice Coffee Subscription

Indulge in the world's finest coffee with CBC Roasters "Roasters Choice" coffee subscription. Our expert roasters carefully select the best coffee beans from around the world, roast them in small batches, and package them in 12 oz. bags.

With each shipment, you'll receive a handpicked selection of single-origin coffee that represents the best of CBC Roasters. Our "Roasters Choice" subscription features a rotating selection of light, medium, and dark roast coffee, ensuring that you get a diverse and unique flavor experience every time. The 12 oz. bag size is perfect for coffee lovers who want to savor their coffee and enjoy it over time. 

Not only will you enjoy the best in specialty coffee, but we also offer free shipping on all our coffee subscription packages. You'll never have to worry about additional shipping costs. Sign up now, and let us take you on a coffee journey like no other.

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