
Luscious Lava - Guatemala Single Origin Coffee

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western highlands
Tasting Notes:
Maple, orange, milk chocolate and fruit notes
1,350+ Meters

Luscious Lava – Guatemalan Specialty Grade Single Origin Coffee

CBC Roasters Luscious Lava is a specialty grade Guatemalan single origin coffee blend that is sourced from three distinct regions - Huehuetenango, San Antonio, and Cubulco - each known for producing some of the finest coffee beans in Guatemala. This expertly crafted blend delivers a bold and rich flavor that is both smooth and well-rounded.

With notes of dark chocolate, nutty undertones, and a hint of citrus, Luscious Lava is an exceptional coffee experience that is sure to impress even the most discerning coffee lovers. The beans used in this blend are grown by small-scale farmers who use sustainable farming practices, ensuring that you are not only enjoying a delicious cup of coffee, but also supporting ethical and environmentally friendly practices.

CBC Roasters Luscious Lava is roasted to perfection to bring out the unique flavors and aromas of each bean. This medium roast coffee has a balanced profile that makes it the perfect choice for any time of day, whether you prefer it black or with a splash of milk.

Indulge in the exceptional taste and quality of CBC Roasters Luscious Lava and experience the rich cultural and coffee traditions of Guatemala. With every sip, you will be transported to the rolling hills and verdant valleys of this beautiful country, enjoying the true essence of a single origin coffee blend.

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