
El Diablo - Nicaraguan Single Origin Coffee

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Usually ships in 2 - 4 business days
Tasting Notes:
Cocoa Powder, Citrus, Nutty
Farms located in the municipality of Jinotega within the department of Jinotega, Nicaragua
900 - 1200 masl
Unión de Cooperativas Agropecuarias de San Juan del Río Coco

El Diablo - Nicaraguan Specialty Grade Single Origin Coffee

CBC Roasters El Diablo is a devilishly delicious Nicaraguan specialty grade single origin blend sourced from the Jinotega region. This coffee is a true testament to the skill and dedication of the farmers in this region, who have worked hard to produce beans with a unique and complex flavor profile.

The flavor profile of CBC Roasters El Diablo is characterized by notes of chocolate, roasted almond, and green apple. The chocolate notes provide a rich and velvety sweetness, while the roasted almond notes add a nutty and toasty flavor. The green apple notes provide a subtle tartness that balances out the sweetness of the chocolate and roasted almond notes, creating a well-rounded and complex flavor profile.

This coffee is a perfect choice for those who appreciate bold and full-bodied flavors. It is a coffee that is sure to satisfy even the most demanding coffee lover, with its rich and complex flavor profile that lingers on the palate long after the last sip.

CBC Roasters El Diablo is a coffee that has been crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail. It is a true reflection of the passion and expertise of the farmers in the Jinotega region, who have dedicated their lives to producing exceptional coffee beans.

In summary, CBC Roasters El Diablo is a devilishly delicious Nicaraguan single origin blend that is sure to delight and satisfy even the most discerning coffee lovers. Its unique and complex flavor profile, sourced from the Jinotega region, makes it a perfect choice for those who appreciate the finest things in life.

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